WakaWaka to Nepal

Katja Staartjes: “in one week we will go to Nepal to visit the Shree Palchok Secondary School. Here we will attend the ‘inauguration ceremony’ of the new prefab and earthquake resistent building. Thanks to the donations we received, we have been able to help the school for the reconstruction. Soon the 4 classes will be open for 80 students, half of the total.

We are really looking forward to visit the school. Also we look forward that we will be able to offer each family a WakaWaka Light. This is the result of the cooperation between WakaWaka, Kathmandu Outdoor and the foundation Topaspiraties. For who does not know: WakaWaka (‘Shine Bright’ in Swahili language from South Africa) has the principle: buy one = give one. So every one who buys the light or charger (the ‘Power’), at the same time pays for a Give One. This give one will be given away by a NGO in one of the developing countries in the world.
For the three shops of Kathmandu Outdoor & Travel in Holland it means: all give-ones are going to Nepal by Foundation Topaspiraties. We are really honored to be able to bring these lights to the school. We can not wait to leave and see all our Nepali friends again.”